Save the Date! Registration for APA 2025 opens April 23

Denver, CO, August 7-9, 2025

Go to to register.

We want to give a big shoutout to everybody who reviewed the great submissions we received.

Amanda Acevedo
Marlene Angert
Donald Brown
Kerry Cannity
Erin Fox-Ramirez
Jonathan Alejandro Galindo-Soto
Zed Gao
Laura Heisick
Rodney Lowman
Francisco Medina
Cacky Mellor
John Moritsugu
Christine Mullen
Denisse Ochoa
Karyna Pryiomka
Michael Richter
Patrick Sweeney

Thank you!

We look forward to seeing you in Denver, CO, August 7-9.

PROGRAM CHAIRS: Friederike Windel and Emese Ilyes