Applicants who are already fellows of APA can submit a current CV and a letter detailing how they meet the criteria outlined below to the current Div. 1 fellows chair, Grant Rich.

Applicants who are applying for fellow status for the first time need to submit their application through the online APA fellows application process. See details on the APA fellows webpage. New fellow applicants will need to submit a detailed statement of how they meet the Div. 1 and APA fellow requirements and a current CV. They will also need to request three letters of support from current Div. 1 fellows (also submitted through the online system).

An individual may qualify for fellow in Div. 1 through any combination of the following criteria:

  1. Author or editor of a major textbook in psychology or a book that crosses a number of major areas of psychology

  2. Publication of chapters or major sections of books

    • Were the chapters invited?
    • Are the chapters frequently cited?
  3. Journal publications

    Weight given to documentation of:

    • Content — Articles are "general" in nature (not specialized) or cut across many specialties.
    • Single vs. multiple authors (if one is not first author, is there some special reason?)
    • Quality of the journals — Established reputation? Refereed? Are articles abstracts or brief summaries, not full papers?
    • Frequency of citation by others
  4. Evidence of outstanding teaching of general psychology

    Examples include:

    • Written reports by peers
    • Distinguished teaching awards or appointments (such as Fulbright or invited professorships)
    • Critical impact on students, (e.g., list of students who completed a PhD in psychology)
  5. Production of a film, video, computer program, test with a major impact on general psychology

  6. Evidence of public recognition as an "authority" on general psychology

    Examples include:

    • Election to fellow in related, broad-based scientific or scholarly societies
    • Selection as an editor or reviewer for scholarly journals or book publishers
    • Selection as a reviewer for granting agencies
    • Election to "leadership roles" in psychology — major committees, officerships, invited organizer, etc.
  7. Development of innovative curricula, methods or research in the teaching of general psychology

    Examples include:

    • Presentations or journal articles
    • A "master teacher of teachers."
    • New materials that effectively teach general psychology, including evidence of their effectiveness.
  8. Evidence of frequent participation (not mere attendance) in professional meetings

    Examples include:

    • Frequent invitations to chair sessions
    • Organizer and participant in symposia
    • Reading and/or sponsoring significant papers
    • Citation by others of such participation
    • Presentation of major invited addresses
  9. Evidence of impact on state, national or international programs

  10. Evidence one has contributed to the promotion of psychology in the social-political scene or improved the image of psychology

  11. Formation/development of a psychology department that provides broad, general training

    Examples include:

    • Recognition by outside agencies or peers
    • Graduates of the department attaining status in the field
  12. Publication of papers in major non-psychological publications that reflect a national impact of work in general psychology (e.g., NY Times Magazine, Newsweek)

    In preparing their supporting statements, both the candidate and the sponsors should cite (by number) which of these 12 criteria apply, and be sure to provide concrete, behavioral descriptions of the "outstanding and unusual" contributions (not a mere summary statement).

  13. Leadership in the affairs of Div. 1 and/or other organizations concerned with the advancement of general psychology

    Examples include:

    • Holding elected and/or appointed positions within division
    • Holding leadership roles in other organizations that advance general psychology such as Association for Psychological Science, regional associations, etc.

Applications from new fellows should be submitted to Div. 1 Fellows Chair Grant Rich by December 1, 2023. Applications for those already granted fellow status through another division are due by April 15, 2024.

Louis Aarons
Phillip Ackerman
Leona Aiken
Sven Ingmar Andersson
Joseph Aponte
James Averill
Harvey Babkoff
Nancy Baker
Laura Barbanel
David Barlow
David Barone
Linda Bartoshuk
Michael Beer
Bernard Beins
Camilla Benbow
Gordon Bermant
Hector Betancourt
Mark Bickhard
Mae Billet-Ziskin
Niels Birbaumer
Robert Bjork
Thomas Blass
Thomas Boll
C Alan Boneau
Bruce Bongar
Lyle Bourne
Charles Brainerd
James Brennan
John Brick
Arline Bronzaft
Merry Bullock
Gordon Burghardt
Herman Buschke
Samuel Cameron
Joseph Campos
Douglas Candland
Robin Cautin
John Cavanaugh
Marylou Cheal
Stephen Chew
Deanna Chitayat
Scott Churchill
Victor Cicirelli
Thomas Clifford
Leslie Cohen
K Coleman
Anna Comunian
Michael Corballis
Stanley Coren
Terry Cronan
Richard Davidson
John Davis
Rosie Davis
Stephen Davis
Patrick DeLeon
Garland DeNelsky
Florence Denmark
Diana Deutsch
Donald Dewsbury
Paul Dingman
Kenneth Dodge
Laura Dryjanska
Donelson Dulany
Dana Dunn
Susan Dutch
Carol Dwyer
Alice Eagly
David Eckerman
Henry Ellis
Mindy Erchull
Jeffrey Fagen
Raymond Fancher
Michael Fanselow
Frank Farley
Russell H. Fazio
Robert Feldman
Eva Ferguson
Donald Foss
Scott Fraser
H Friedman
Sarah Friedman
Irene Frieze
Eugene Galanter
Kurt Geisinger
Kenneth Gergen
Morton Gernsbacher
Uwe Gielen
Albert Gilgen
Sam Glucksberg
Thomas Good
Bernard Gorman
Lisa Gray-Shellberg
Gary Greenberg
Ernest Greene
Anthony Greenwald
Lisa Grossman
John Hagen
William Hall
Diane Halpern
Peter Hancock
Jo-Ida Hansen
Lisa Harlow
H Haywood
Alice Healy
Kirk Heilbrun
Barbara Held
Paul Hettich
Leslie Hicks
Verlin Hinsz
Louis Hoffman
John Hogan
Edwin Hollander
Rick Hoyle
Robert Hunt
Margaret Intons-Peterson
Carroll Izard
O Jacobsen
Blair Johnson
Marcia Johnson
Richard Johnson
Joseph Juhasz
Ani Kalayjian
Michael Kaplan
Stephen Kaplan
Paul Karoly
Sara Kiesler
Peter Killeen
Roger Kirk
Roberta Klatzky
Eric Klinger
James Korn
Sylvan Kornblum
Michael Kubovy
James Lamiell
David Leary
Frederick Leong
Mark Lepper
Richard Lerner
Ronald Levant
Howard Leventhal
Robert Levine
Charles Levinthal
Sheldon Levy
Michael Lewis
Leah Light
Marsha Linehan
Hilary Lips
Paul Lloyd
Vincent LoLordo
Bernice Lott
Rodney Lowman
David Lubinski
R Luce
Neil Lutsky
Irving Maltzman
Terry Maple
Lawrence Marks
Randi Martin
Joe Martinez
Lee Matthews
Richard Mayer
Ralph McCallum
Mercedes McCormick
Susan McDaniel
Andrew Meltzoff
David Meyer
Richard Miller
Wilbur Miller
Jeffery Mio
Allan Mirsky
John Moritsugu
John Mueller
James Mulick
David Myers
Margot Nadien
Darcia Narvaez
Thomas Natsoulas
John Nesselroade
Nora Newcombe
Raymond Nickerson
Susan Opotow
Lisa Osbeck
James Overmier
Raymond Paloutzian
Charlotte Patterson
Lloyd Peterson
Lewis Petrinovich
Richard Petty
Jerome Platt
Howard Pollio
Clare Porac
Mary Potter
Senel Poyrazli
Louis Primavera
William Prokasy
Antonio Puente
Lynn Rapin
Richard Redding
Jerome Resnick
David Riccio
Michael Roberts
Daniel Robinson
Henry Roediger
Lloyd Rogler
Barbara Rogoff
Miguel Roig
Ralph Rosnow
Nancy Russo
Alexandra Rutherford
Dennis Saccuzzo
Bruce Sales
Peter Salovey
Jack Sawyer
K Schaie
Paul Secord
Nancy Segal
Martin Seligman
Ronald Shapiro
Kenneth Sher
Mark Shermis
Patrick Shrout
Sandra Shullman
Janet Sigal
Dean Simonton
Jefferson Singer
Jerome Singer
Raymond Singer
Paul Slovic
Randolph Smith
Charles Snowdon
Mark Snyder
Mark Sobell
Brian Stagner
Fred Stollnitz
Bonnie Strickland
Peter Suedfeld
Harold Takooshian
Ralph Tarter
Howard Tennen
Thomas Teo
Mark Terjesen
Richard Thompson
Jalie Tucker
Ralph Turner
Gary VandenBos
Melba Vasquez
Frank Vattano
C Walker
Lise Wallach
Michael Wallach
Abraham Wandersman
David Watson
Danny Wedding
Burton Weiss
Robert Weiss
Wayne Weiten
Frederick Wertz
Susan Whitbourne
Randall White
Arthur Wiens
Paul Woods
Linda Woolf
Philip Zelazo
Philip Zimbardo