The Next Big Ideas in Psychology Grant Program

Application Deadline: October 15, 2024


Anyone applying for a Next Big Ideas grant must be a member of Division 1. D1 Executive Committee members are not eligible.


A total of $20,000 will be reserved for 4 to 5 awards in 2024. Each award may be up to $5,000. The grant funding may be used for purposes such as to help buy out a course to allow for more time to be devoted to developing the idea, e.g., through writing a theoretical article or a book proposal; or to allow for using the summer session for writing and idea development rather than teaching; or to hire a research assistant.

Grant guidelines:

The proposal should be no more than 1,000 words long. It should contain a statement of the big idea to be developed and its relevance to the aims of Division 1, along with a specification of the dollar amount requested and a description of how the grant will be used (including timeline). The award period will be for 1 year.

Deadline for submitting proposals:

October 15, 2024. Submit all proposals to Pat King, D1 Administrative Officer,


Proposals will be rated by a D1 committee chaired by Jeffrey Arnett and Seth Schwartz.


Anyone receiving an award must commit to submitting a theoretical paper, a book proposal, or some other comparable product indicating the development of a potential big idea, within 6 months of the end of the funding period.