George A. Miller Award for an Outstanding Recent Article on General Psychology

Application Deadline: February 16, 2025


The George A. Miller award is presented for an outstanding article on general psychology, published within the past three years. The author(s) will be expected to give an invited address at the subsequent APA Annual Convention and invited to provide a copy of the award presentation for inclusion in the newsletter of the Society (The General Psychologist).


Nominated articles must have been published in the past three years. Self-nominations as well as nominations by others are welcome.

Award Benefits:

If there are multiple authors, each author will receive a certificate. A single cash prize of $2,500 will be awarded to help defray travel expenses for that convention.

How to Apply:

Nomination packets should include:

  1. The article being considered (which can be of any length but must have appeared in print and published within the past three years);

  2. The curriculum vitae of the author(s); and

  3. A statement detailing the strengths of the nominated article as an outstanding contribution to general psychology.

Nomination letters and supporting materials should be submitted to Mindy Erchull, Ph.D. at

Past Recipients


Patrick Grzanka and Elizabeth Cole for their article "An Argument for Bad Psychology: Disciplinary Disruption, Public Engagement, and Social Transformation." American Psychologist, 76(8), 1334–1345.


Gail M. Ferguson, PhD, Lauren Eales, MA, Sarah Gillespie, MA, & Keira Leneman, MA for their article “The Whiteness pandemic behind the racism pandemic: Familial Whiteness socialization in Minneapolis following #GeorgeFloyd’s killing.” American Psychologist77(3), 344–361.


Eliane Deschrijver, PhD; and Colin Palmer, PhD, “Reframing social cognition: Relational versus representational mentalizing.” Psychological Bulletin146(11), 941–969.


Jeffery Arnett “Getting better all the time: trends in risk behavior among American adolescents since 1990.” Archives of Scientific Psychology, 2018. 6(1), 87–95


Janet Shibley Hyde, Rebecca S. Bigler, Daphna Joel, Charlotte Chucky Tate, and Sari M. van Anders, "The future of sex and gender in psychology: Five challenges to the gender binary." American Psychologist, 2019, 74(2), 171–193.


Grainne Fitzsimons, Eli Finkel and Michelle VanDellen, "Transactive Goal Dynamics." Psychological Review, 2015, 122(4), 648–673.


David Lubinski, "From Terman to Today: A Century of Findings on Intellectual Precocity." Review of Educational Research 2016, 86(4), 900–944.

Lisa Rosenthal, "Incorporating Intersectionality into Psychology: An Opportunity to Promote Social Justice and Equity." American Psychologist, 2016, 71(6), 474–485.


Bruce Overmier, PhD and Robert Murison, PhD, for "Restoring Psychology’s Role in Peptic Ulcer," Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 2012, 5(1), 5-27.


Gregory E. Miller, Edith Chen, & Karen J. Parker “Psychological stress in childhood and susceptibility to the chronic diseases of aging: Moving toward a model of behavioral and biological mechanisms.” Psychological Bulletin, 2011, 137(6), 959–997.


David H. Uttal, Nathaniel G. Meadow, Elizabeth Tipton, Linda L. Hand, Alison R. Alden, Christopher Warren, & Nora S. Newcombe. "The malleability of spatial skills: A meta-analysis of training studies.” Psychological Bulletin, 2013, 139(2), 352–402.


Julianne Holt-Lunstad, Timothy B. Smith, & J. Bradley Layton, “Social relationships and mortality risk: A meta-analytic review.” PLoS Med, 7(7), e1000316.


Piers Steel, "The nature of procrastination: A meta-analytic and theoretical review of quintessential self-regulatory failure," Psychological Bulletin, 2007, 133, 65–94.


Ariel Knafo, Carolyn Zahn-Waxler, Carol Van Hulle, JoAnn L. Robinson, & Soo Hyun Rhee, "The developmental origins of a disposition toward empathy: Genetic and environmental contributions", Emotion, 2008. 8(6), 737–752.


Bruce J. Ellis, Aurelio Jose Figueredo, Barbara H. Brumbach, & Gabriel L. Schlomer, "Fundamental dimensions of environmental risk: The impact of harsh versus unpredictable environments on the evolution and development of life history strategies", Human Nature, 2009, 20, 204–268.


Diane Halpern, Camilla P. Benbow, David C. Geary, Ruben C. Gur, Janet Shibley Hyde, and Morton Ann Gernsbacher, "The science of sex differences in science and mathematics," Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 2007, 8, 1–51.


Linda F. Gottfredson, "Intelligence: Is it the epidemiologists' elusive 'fundamental cause' of social class inequities in health?" Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2004, 86, 174–199.


Mark E. Koltko-Rivera, "Rediscovering the later version of Maslow's hierarchy of needs: Self-transcendence and opportunities for theory, research, and unification." Review of General Psychology, 2006, 10, 302–317.


Janet Shibley Hyde, "The Gender Similarities Hypothesis", American Psychologist, 2005, 60, 581–592.


Bruce J. Ellis, "Timing of  Prepubertal Maturation in Girls:  An Integrated Life  History Approach", Psychological Bulletin, 2004, 130, 920–958.


Mark Koltko-Rivera, "The Psychology of World Views" Review of General Psychology, 2004, 8, 3–58.


Nora Newcombe, "The nativist-empiricist controversy in the context of recent research on spatial and quantitative development." Psychological Science, 2002, 13, 395–401.

Honorable Mention:  Floyd W. Rudmin, "Critical history of the acculturation psychology of assimilation, separation, integration, and marginalization," Review of General Psychology, 2003, 7, 3–37.


Jacob Feldman. (2000). Minimization of Boolean complexity in human concept learning. Nature, 407, 630-633.


Jack Martin & Jeff Sugarman. (1999). Psychology's reality debate: A "Levels of Reality" approach. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 19, 177–194.


K. Geoffrey White & John T. Wixted. (1999). Psychophysics of remembering. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior; 71, 91–113.


C. P. Benbow & J. C. Stanley (1996). "Inequity in equity: How 'equity' can lead to inequity for high-potential students." Psychology, Public Policy, and Law2(2), 249–292.

R. L. Rosnow (1997). "Hedgehogs, foxes, and the evolving social contract in psychological science: Ethical challenges and methodological opportunities." Psychological Methods2(4), 345–356. 


Dean Keith Simonton. (1997). Creative productivity: A predictive and explanatory model of career trajectories and landmarks. Psychological Review, 104, 66-89.

Judith Rich Harris. (1995). Where is the child's environment? A Group Socialization theory of development. Psychological Review, 102, 458-490.


D. Lubinski, & T. Thompson. (1993). Species and individual differences in communication based on private states. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 16, 627-642.


Theodore Dix. (1991). The affective organization of parenting: Adaptive and maladaptive processes, Psychological Bulletin, 110, 3-25.