Raymond Corsini Student Poster Award

Application Deadline: December 1, 2024


The Student Poster Award recognizes excellence in student research based upon a poster presented at the Div. 1 poster session. Posters will be judged and winner selected at APA's Annual Convention. From 2008 to 2013, this award was named the Anne Anastasi Poster Award. When the Anastasi Graduate Student Awards were established, this award was renamed. Since 2014, it has been named the Raymond Corsini Student Poster Award.


Psychology students whose poster abstract has been accepted for presentation at the Div. 1 poster session at APA's convention.

Award Benefits:

The winner will receive a certificate of honor and cash prize of $150.

How to Apply:

Candidates should submit their poster abstract to the Div. 1 posters session upon call for APA's convention programs. Submission deadline is Dec. 1. Posters will be judged and winner selected at APA's Annual Convention.

Past Recipients

Raymond Corsini Student Poster Award
  • Chynna Levin (Touro College) “Temporal Self-Appraisals of Older Adults with Depression.”

  • Emalee Kiser, MA, (Sam Houston State University): "Associations Between Disordered Eating and Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors in College Students.”

  • Stephanie Cazeau, Lily Bekoe, Ivy Ho, and Jason Lawrence (University of Massachusetts, Lowell): "The Effect of Minority Stress on Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexuals' Psychological and Social Well-Being."

  • Bryan Rojas-Arauz, Darien Combs, Derrick Bines and Ellen McWhirter (University of Oregon) Quien soy y adonde voy: Ethnic identity, Spanish-language engagemnet and critical consciousness.

  • Lauren K. Harrison, Matthew R. Moonier and Kanako Taku, PhD (Oakland University)

     A cross-cultural study of narcissism and post-traumatic growth.

Recognition Award
  • Rebecca Cipollina, Emilia Mikrut, Aliza Paniwani, MA, and Tracey Revenson, PhD (City University of New York Hunter College). Parenting a child with cancer: tolerance of uncertainty, fear of recurrence and psychological distress.

  • Woo Jung Lee, BA and May Yeh, PhD (San Diego State University) Family Income and Perceived Father’s Support as Moderators on Adolescent Coping Strategies.

  • Gabriella Silva, Thaires Dos Anjos, and David Compton, PhD (Palm Beach Atlantic University). Gender Differences on Body Image Perception, Attachment, Cognitive Fusion, and Resilience

Recognition Award
  • Leah McDiarmid, BA and Kanako Taku, PhD (Oakland University). Personally important and family valued post-traumatic growth in adolescents.

  • Christy K. Thai, Jinhong Guo,MEd, Janet Turan, PhD, and Bulent Turan, PhD (University of Alabama at Birmingham). HIV medication adherence: the importance of stigma and treatment self-efficacy.

Recognition Awards
  • Leslie Munoz, MPH (Emory University). Comparing the effectiveness of project UPLIFT among younger and old adults with epilepsy.

  • Janelle Rowe, MA & Craig Rush, PhD (University of Alabama). Preschoolers and mindfulness practice: a metasynhesis and extrapolation of the literature.

  • Kasey Windnagel, BA, Brianna M. Scott, PhD, Ashleigh F. Berman, MA, Matthew G. Levy, MA, & Rebecca Carpenter, University of Indianapolis. Working memory capacity and life stress as predictors of sexual risk-taking behaviors in young adults.

Recognition Awards
  • Leah A. Brown & Merry J. Sleigh, PhD, Winthrop University. The effects of drawing, listening, and writing on mood change.

  • Alana Rawana, MA & Josephine C. H. Tan, PhD, Lakehead University. Cognitive personality styles, contextual emotion regulation, and psychological health.

  • Kanako Taku, PhD, Kellie L. McGuire, & Sharell G. Elam, MA, Oakland University. Effects of priming the shared traumatic experiences on posttraumatic growth.

Anne Anastasi Student Poster Award
  • Audrey E. Martinez, MA, SedaTerzyan, MA, Angelyna M. Hinkle, MA, David Rosenblatt, MA, & Paul E. Haerich, PhD, Loma Linda University. Effects of temporal pressure on episodic memory.

Recognition Awards
  • Ivonne A. Florez, BA, Seamus P. Walsh, BS,Margaret Bowden, (University of Mississippi), Tracie L. Stewart, PhD (Kennesaw State University), & Stefan E. Schulenberg, PhD (University of Mississippi). Examining meaning in life as a predictor of automatic stereotyping.

  • Te Hyuk (Brian) Keum, BS, Yu Chak (Sunny) Ho, BS, Jennifer Kim, BA, Robin Hardin, BS, & Seohyun Kim, BA, Teachers College, Columbia University. Universal and culture-specific forms of stereotyping H,among Chinese immigrants with schizophrenia.

  • Matthew E. Kahler, BS, John A. Blue Star, BS, &Sean C. Woodland, BS (Brigham Young University). Measuring student schema: Structural analysis of the Young Schema Questionnaire.

  • Dana Dupuis, HBA, & Josephine C. H. Tan, PhD, Lakehead University. Opposite winter trends in atypical depression symptoms in seasonal and nonseasonal mood changes.

  • Efrat Eichenbaum, BS., Mitra Khaksari, BS, & Pamela Geller, PhD., Drexel University. Examination of African American and White women's religious coping behaviors following pregnancy loss.

Recognition Awards
  • Jason Reynolds, MA, & Christine Lecker, MEd., Fordham University.

  • Mariel Buque, BA., & Sandra Lee, PhD., Seton Hall University.

  • Jessica L. Montoya, BA, San Diego State University/University of California-San Diego, David J. Moore, PhD., Anya Umlauf, MS., Ian Abramson, PhD., Nicole Duare, PhD., Jayraan Badiee, MPH., Steven P. Woods, University of California-San Diego, & HIV Neurobehavioral Research Group San Diego.

  • Megan E. McFarland, BS: Negative social exchange as a mediator of the relation between interpersonal relationship style and psychological distress.

Recognition Awards
  • Amy M. Racanello, MS, & Georgiana S. Tyron, PhD: Too few symptoms to diagnose? A managed-care ethical dilemma 

  • Nicole L. Fischer, MS: Acculturation and life satisfaction among west African immigrants in the United States 

  • Arti Sarma, BA, & Sharon E. Robinson Kurpuis, PhD: Self-esteem, valuing of education, and academic stress among undergraduates in Thailand 

  • Vanessa B. Watts, BS, Danita D. Wynes, BS, Miguel A. Martin del Campo, BS, Jamie Kissee, BA, Emilio Ulloa, PhD, & Audrey Hokoda, PhD: Effect of harmful family dynamics on continuous dating violence: A meditational model 

  • Ba Ole Choi, MA, Young Seok Seo, PhD, Eun Young Koh, MA, So Yeon Rhie, MA, & Eun Ji Lee, BA: Relationship between maladaptive perfectionism and suicidal ideation:The mediating effects of hopelessness, depression, and psychache

  • David I. Miller, BA, & Diane F. Halpern, PhD: Physics problem solving and visuospatial skills: Correlates and gender differences.

Recognition Awards
  • Lindsay A. Corman, MA, & Shuki Cohen, PhD 

  • Daisy R. Singla, MA, BS, Grace H. Yeh, BA, Qi Zhao, MD, MS, & Lawrence H. Yang, PhD

  • John P. Mack, BA: State University of New York at Buffalo, Comparison of ethics codes across disciplines.

Recognition Awards
  • Anne C. Fernandez, BS, & Mark D. Wood, PhD 

  • Katherine E. Lunsford, Andy Monanez, MD, Russell M. Sanchez, PhD, Q. Zhang, MD, Tara Gloyna, & Lee Shapiro, PhD 

  • Minsun Kim MA, and & Young Seok Seo, PhD 

  • Matthew L. Dixon, BS, Taylor W. Schmitz, MA, and & Eve De Rosa, PhD 

  • Madalyn Marcus, MA, and & Henny Westra, PhD

  • Jessica Kim, BA, and & Raymond A. Knight, PhD: 

    Efficacy of the factors of psychopathy for predicting recidivism in sexual offenders.

Recognition Awards
  • Susanna Berry, BA, & Ian R. Wells, PhD 

  • Cody D. Christopherson, BS, & George S. Howard, PhD 

  • Graciete Lo, BA, Eve Chang, BA, & Hong Ngo, BA 

  • Esther Israel, MA, MS 

  • Jessica L. Belfy, BA, Emilio Ulloa, PhD, & Audrey Hokoda, PhD 

  • Jane E. Harries, MA, & Raymond A. Knight, PhD

  • Karla Vermeulen: Disasters and information: Improving warning compliance decisions to minimize harm.