Anne Anastasi General Psychology Graduate Student Research Awards

Application Deadline: February 16, 2025


These awards are named for the APA past president and co-founder of the Society and funded by the Anne Anastasi Foundation. The winners will be decided based on students' vitae and research plans, plus a supporting letter from each student's advisor.


Nominees must be current graduate students. Self-nominations as well as nominations by others are welcomed.

Award Benefits:

Each of two recipients of these awards will receive $300 and a certificate.

How to Apply:

Candidates for these awards should submit the below materials

I. A cover sheet including the following:
  1. Name and email

  2. Institution currently enrolled at, and name of program

  3. Identify the level that best applies to you:

    1. Two years or less of study beyond the baccalaureate.

    2. More than two years of study beyond the baccalaureate

  4. Identify which of the following applies to you:

    1. _____I completed my masters’ degree. Year completed: ______

    2. _____I did not complete a masters’ degree.

  5. The name of a mentor who will serve as a recommender and their email

  6. Title of your research making clear it’s focus

II. The following three attachments:
  1. Research statement on your past/present/future work (two-three pages, with limited number of important citations) 

  2. Your curriculum vitae 

  3. Supporting letter from one mentor, either attached or sent separately

Please submit nominations and documentation to Xiaowei Zhao at

Past Recipients

Under Two Years of Graduate Work

Amber Rusch is a doctoral student in the Lifespan Developmental Psychology Ph.D. Program at West Virginia University (WVU)

Two or More Years of Graduate Work

Rita M. Rivera, Psy.D, CBIS, CTP, CAIP, is a clinical psychology postdoctoral fellow at Yale University.

Under Two Years of Graduate Work

Sophia L. Holmqvist is a first-year Psychology graduate student at Temple University.
Mentor: Tania Giovannetti.

Two or More Years of Graduate Work

Violeta J. Rodriguezi, doctoral student in Clinical Psychology at University of Georgia (Athens, GA, USA).
Mentor: Anne Shaffer.

Under Two Years of Graduate Work

Samantha Hoffman, San Diego State University & UC San Diego.

Two or More Years of Graduate Work

Naoise Mac Giollabhui, MS, Temple University.

Under Two Years of Graduate Work

Sofia Cardenas, Clinical Science, University of Southern California

Two or More Years of Graduate Work

Melissa M. Ertl, MS, Counseling Psychology, University of Albany, SUNY.

Under Two Years of Graduate Work

Katherine Hackett, Temple University, clinical psychology

Two or More Years of Graduate Work

Brian Keum, MA, University of Maryland, College Park, counseling psychology

Under Two Years of Graduate Work

Nathan Cheek, BA, Princeton University. Nathan's research explores the psychological factors that underlie the perpetuation of economic inequality.

Two or More Years of Graduate Work

Klaus Cavalhieri, BA, MA, Southern Illinois University. Klaus' research interests are broadly focused on social class, classism, experiences of discrimination, scale development and health behaviors.

Under Two Years of Graduate Work

Joseph J. Avery, Princeton University. 

Two or More Years of Graduate Work

Jessica Schleider, Harvard University.

Under Two Years of Graduate Work

Andriana Christofalos, University of Illinois at Chicago. 

Two or More Years of Graduate Work

Konstantinos Papazoglou, University of Toronto.

Under Two Years of Graduate Work

Aliza A. Panjwani, The Graduate Center, City University of New York.

Two or More Years of Graduate Work

Jessica L. Hamilton, Temple University. 

Under Two Years of Graduate Work

Andrew M. Kiselica, University of South Florida. 

Recognition Award

Eva Keatley, University of Windsor (Canada). 

Two or More Years of Graduate Work

Jeffrey D. Shahidullah, Michigan State University.

Recognition Awards
  • Reut Avinun, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 

  • Amy J. Jeffers, Virginia Commonwealth University. 

  • Hannah C. Williamson, University of California, Los Angeles. 

  • Mary Louise Woody, Binghamton University. 

Under Two Years of Graduate Work

Jennifer M. Gómez, University of Oregon. 

Two or More Years of Graduate Work
  • David I. Miller, Northwestern University. 

  • Reuben Ng, Yale University.

Recognition Awards
  • Marc Coutanche, University of Pennsylvania. 

  • Emily D. Hooker, University of California, Irvine. 

  • Philip Sayegh, University of Southern California. 

Under Two Years of Graduate Work

Livia Veselka, York University. 

Two or More Years of Graduate Work

Dylan G. Gee, University of California, Los Angeles.

Recognition Awards
  • Jeremy Trevelyan Burman, York University.

  • Nicholas C. Jacobson, Pennsylvania State University.

  • Gerardo Ramirez, University of Chicago.

  • Alice Ann Spurgin, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.

  • Kelly C. Young-Wolff, University of Southern California and Yale University.

Under Two Years of Graduate Work

Luis D. Medina, San Diego State University and University of California, San Diego.

Two or More Years of Graduate Work

Michael K. Scullin, Washington University, St Louis.

Recognition Awards
  • Kristy E. Benoit, Virginia Tech.

  • Rachel G. Higier, University of California, Los Angeles.

  • Theresa A. Morgan, University of Iowa. 

  • Michael L. Sulkowski, University of Florida. 


Gloria Luong, University of California, Irvine. 

Recognition Awards
  • Miriam Bocarsly, Princeton University. 

  • Cynthia J. Najdowski,University of Illinois, Chicago.

  • Eric R. Pedersen, University of Washington. 

  • Kelli Vaughn-Blount, York University.