Div. 1 Citizen Psychologist Award

Application Deadline: February 16, 2025


The Citizen Psychologist Award is intended to recognize Div. 1 members who exemplify the mission and goals of the division through their multidisciplinary and integrative voluntary efforts that address real-world problems to "improve society and benefit lives." APA Citizen Psychologists are servant leaders who engage in activities that address a challenging problem and enhance the well-being of members of one or more communities. The award will be announced at APA's annual convention during the Div. 1 business meeting.


  • Applicants must be Div. 1 members who have undertaken at least one project or initiative that addresses a challenging problem and enhances the well-being of members of one or more communities. Applicants must present evidence of a record of sustained contributions either to multiple projects or to a single project with significant impact.

  • Applicants should describe how they drew upon multiple psychological perspectives and other disciplinary perspectives in their project(s).

  • Applicants should provide concrete evidence of how they utilized their psychological knowledge/expertise to facilitate effective communication and collaboration among community stakeholders with diverse intellectual, social and cultural backgrounds.

Award Benefits:

The awardee will receive a certificate, a prize of $1,000 and will be invited to submit a summary of their work in The General Psychologist, the division newsletter.

How to Apply:

Preference will be given to:
  • Applicants whose projects incorporate perspectives from allied disciplines, such as anthropology, sociology, social work, education, other STEM sciences or the arts and humanities.

  • Projects that facilitate the development of the next generation of citizen psychologists either by engaging graduate students or by the development of training modules for these individuals.

  • Early career psychologists (within 10 years of completing the doctoral degree).

Please submit:
  1. Project Summary (4 pages maximum, single-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins around):

    1. Problem Statement (1-page max., suggested)

    2. Description of Community(ies) Served (1-page max., suggested)

    3. Description of Project or Community-based activity (1-page max., suggested)

    4. Involvement of graduate students (1-page max., suggested)

  2. Statement articulating the project's alignment to Div. 1's mission (1-page max.)

    1. Description of utilization and integration of other disciplinary perspectives.

  3. Project Impact/Outcomes (1-page max.)

    1. Provide a statement describing how the project made a positive difference in the community served. For examples, please see the APA Citizen Psychologist videos.

  4. Supporting letter from community member or professional colleague familiar with the project or community work.

  5. Abbreviated CV (10 pages max.)

  6. Submissions, including supporting materials, must be received before the deadline listed above.

Please send all application materials attached to a single email message to Aurelie Athan at Athan@exchange.tc.columbia.edu. The subject portion of the email should read: "Division 1 APA Citizen Psychologist Award."

Past Recipients


Rhalf Jayson Guanco, PhD, Adventist University of the Philippines


No winner announced


Laura Dryjanska, PhD, Biola University, Rosemead School of Psychology